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Massimo Logli

Pisa [Italy] close

Massimo Logli approaches music at the age of 12 picking up a musicassette on the street. His parents buy him a player with difficulty and Massimo discovers that the cassette contains “Saturday Night Fever”. From there the journey begins and as a listener of various musical genres, at the age […]

Dj Tribe

Sardegna [italy] close

Borned in Sardinia with music German blood.Class 82, he has been playing and producing music for almost 23 years. Studied music and production at the music school in Frankfurt am Main in Germany.Dj, Producer, Live Performer, and Ghost producer in his past.At 14 he bought his first synthtetizer and since […]

Frank Lupo

Amalfi Coast  [Italy] close

Francesco Lupo, in arte Frank Lupo, nato negli anni ’80, è cresciuto in Costiera Amalfitana. Fin dall’adolescenza, precisamente nel 1992, ha coltivato la sua passione per la consolle tra i dischi in vinile dei decenni attuali e precedenti, acquisita dalla passione ereditata dal padre per la musica. Comincia a frequentare […]

Francesca Fagiani

Germany [italy] close

Fra.Gile is a rising star in the techno scene. Singer, songwriter and dj, discovered and produced by Sergio “Sygma” Marini,.

Valentina Reale

corigliano [italy] close

Dj and producer , Born in Southern Italy , Lived between Rome and Umbria from 2002 to 2016, he frequents underground environments such as , cube in Rome and Red Zone in Perugia, In 2017 I moved to Calabria where I am currently in residence as a DJ at Jonica […]

Jenna Gilmore / Vertex

Charlotte [Usa] close

Combining over 25 years of experience and diverse inspirations, Jenna’s aural alchemy resists definition. Deftly weaving sonic textures that synthesize the dark, emotive, and intelligent sounds of techno, the passion with which she expresses every beat produces a unique experience only possible through the artistry of a master of the […]

Luca Margarita

Rome [italy] close

Luca Margarita starts his career as a dj very young, devoting whole days to listening and mixing music. Being a perfectionist he loves supervising every smallest detail in his Set from the music selection to the technique and scenic presence. He digs in his sets among all the electronic music […]


[Spain] close

Vinzze, DJ and producer born in 1985 in Spain and who at the age of 16 began to be interested in electronic music, a lover of the most forceful and dark Hard and Techno sounds, without neglecting powerful and catchy melodies.


Firenze [italy] close

Antonella Anela, in arte ANELA, è una dj e producer italiana.Nata in Belgio e residente in Italia dove attualmente vive e svolge la sua professione. Quando ha scoperto la musica Techno è stato amore a prima vista,e sin dai suoi primi passi nella scena elettronica italiana e internazionale si è […]

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